Web-Mo Autumn - Web and Digital Marketing Expo Autumn


Holding Time:2017-11-08 to 2017-11-10

Messe Ort:Nippon Convention Center, Inc. Makuhari Messe Nakase 2-1, Mihama-ku Chiba City 261-0023, Japan


Fair Organizer:Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd


In 2015 the tradeshow Web-Mo Autumn - Web and Digital Marketing Expo Autumn served as a presentation platform for 536 exhibitors. These tradeshow exhibitors presented their companies and services on a total of 11351 sqm at Web-Mo Autumn.

40422 visitors came to Web-Mo Autumn to inform themselves on the latest trends and innovations in the following main exhibit sectors: Blog, RSS, SNS tools and services, CGM construction tools and services, SEM/SEO solutions, search engine solutions, web / mobile CMS tools and services, net research services, web / mobile advertising related services, web / mobile site building related services, servers and infrastructure related products and services, smartphone / mobile applications, other web / mobile marketing related solutions.

In general the following kind of visitors are welcome at Web-Mo Autumn: Trade visitors. The frequency, at which Web-Mo Autumn is held, is annual, part of japan it week autumn.

Web-Mo Autumn is hosted by the trade show organizer Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+81 (0)3/3349-8568


Da ein Teil der Ausstellungsinformationen durch Mitgliederveröffentlichung und Netzwerk zustande kommt, können wir die Richtigkeit und Authentizität der Informationen nicht garantieren. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

Heute Expo



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