Fahrrad- & ErlebnisReisen mit Wandern Stuttgart


Holding Time:2018-01-13 to 2018-01-14

Messe Ort:Messe Stuttgart Messepiazza 1, 70629 Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany


Fair Organizer:Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH


On the two days of Fahrrad- & ErlebnisReisen mit Wandern in Stuttgart - a special exhibition of the CMT-Die Urlaubsmesse – people interested in active vacation can inform themselves about new destinations and equipment innovations. Exhibitors present outdoor equipment and trends as well as travel and tour tips and insider information. The exhibition's emphasis is on the subjects of bicycle, adventure travel, hiking and canoeing. There is an extensive program, inter alia, with interesting slide presentations.

The Fahrrad- & ErlebnisReisen mit Wandern will take place on 2 days from Saturday, 13. January to Sunday, 14. January 2018 in Stuttgart.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+49 (0)711 185600

Fax:+49 (0)711 185602440


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Heute Expo



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