Executive Hire Show Coventry


Holding Time:2018-02-07 to 2018-02-08

Messe Ort:Ricoh Arena 71 Phoenix Way, CV6 6GE Coventry, Coventry , England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Fair Organizer:Executive Hire News Ltd.


The Executive Hire Show in Coventry is a trade fair for the hiring of tools, plant and equipment. It is an excellent opportunity to meet suppliers, to look at demonstrations, listen to experts, to try new products and to network with colleagues.

The Executive Hire Show will take place on 2 days from Wednesday, 07. February to Thursday, 08. February 2018 in Coventry.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+44 (0)1249 700607

Fax:+44 (0)1249 700235


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Heute Expo



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