Simtos Goyang


Holding Time:2018-04-03 to 2018-04-07

Messe Ort:Kintex Korea International Exhibition Center Daehwa-dong Ilsan-seogu, 411-766 Goyang, Gyeonggi, South Korea


Fair Organizer:Korea Machine Tool Manufacturers' Ass.


Simtos (Seoul International Machine Tool Show) is held biannually at Korea International Exhibition Center and leads the advancement of global machine tool industry and the machine tool market of Korea. Simtos attracts decision makers of the automobile, shipbuilding, semiconductor, metal molding industry and other sectors in which machine tools are in use. Represented products include all kinds of industrial machines as well as industrial robots, machine components, measuring instruments, machine controls etc.

The Simtos will take place on 5 days from Tuesday, 03. April to Saturday, 07. April 2018 in Goyang.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+82 (0)2 34532721

Fax:+82 (0)2 5645639

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