Fresh AgroMashov Tel Aviv


Holding Time:2018-06-26 to 2018-06-27

Messe Ort:Israel Trade Fairs & Convention Center Sderot Rokah Boulevard, 61210 Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel

City:Tel Aviv

Fair Organizer:Mashof Ltd.


The Fresh AgroMashov is a great opportunity for farmers and members of the fruit, vegetable, and flower trade to present their products and services - from initial growth to final sale. Also, the Agro-Mashov will feature cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art research that have increased farmers' output and boosted commercial profits.

The Fresh AgroMashov will take place on 2 days from Tuesday, 26. June to Wednesday, 27. June 2018 in Tel Aviv.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+972 (0)8 6273838

Fax:+972 (0)8 6230950

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