
Holding Time:2017-11-08 to 2017-11-09

Messe Ort:MTC Münchner Textil Center Taunusstr. 45, 80807 Munich, Bavaria, Germany


Fair Organizer:Design & Development GmbH Textile Consult


PERFORMANCE DAYS functional fabric fair was launched by Weichert Agencies in 2008 as the first event of its kind and is still the only one to date. Created as a special platform for functional sports- and workwear fabrics to include yarns, finishes, and accessories, Performance Days has become established as a semi-annual event held currently in Munich, Germany. Due to its specialization and timing, Performance Days is the hot spot first place for innovations, trends and new fabrics in active wear. Fitting in the annual time schedules of fashion and sportswear industries the dates for PERFORMANCE DAYS in spring and autumn are early enough in season so designers, product managers and buyers can start working and preparing their new collections. The calm and concentrated workshop-like atmosphere gives you time for your business and distinguishes the Performance DaysS from the large and often stressful trade fairs. Participating as an exhibitor at Performance Days, textile producers have the opportunity to make new contacts and gain deals with nearly all European sportswear brands.

The PERFORMANCE DAYS will take place on 2 days from Wednesday, 08. November to Thursday, 09. November 2017 in Munich.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+49 (0)89 93946060

Fax:+49 (0)89 931134

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Heute Expo



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