Mühlviertler Baumesse Freistadt


Holding Time:2018-02-02 to 2018-02-04

Messe Ort:Freistädter Messehalle Am Stieranger, A-4240 Freistadt, Upper Austria, Austria


Fair Organizer:AktivMedia VerlagsgmbH


On the Building Fair in Freistadt consumers learn everything about the current trends in the fields of construction, housing, redevelopment, planning, adjusting and saving energy. At around 100 exhibitors from all over Austria builders find the right partner for a successful construction project here. Besides an overview of the latest techniques, products and systems for designing new-, rebuilding or expansion, extensive professional lectures supplement the program of Baumesse Freistadt optimally.

The Mühlviertler Baumesse will take place on 3 days from Friday, 02. February to Sunday, 04. February 2018 in Freistadt.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+43 (0)7242 22844303

Fax:+43 (0)7242 22844112


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Heute Expo



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