Construction and Housing Munster


Holding Time:2018-03-16 to 2018-03-18

Messe Ort:Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Münsterland Albersloher Weg 32, 48155 Munster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


Fair Organizer:Messegesellschaft Bauen & Wohnen Bremen mbH


The Building & Housing is one of the region's largest construction trade show in North Rhine-Westphalia. At this exhibition, regional companies show their latest products, trends and services around the building and housing issues. This popular construction trade is a crowd puller and provides visitors with comprehensive information through special exhibitions and trade fair provides an accompanying lecture program.

The Construction and Housing will take place on 3 days from Friday, 16. March to Sunday, 18. March 2018 in Munster.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+49 (0)421 9856290

Fax:+49 (0)421 98562955

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Heute Expo



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