Bergedorfer Bautage Hamburg


Holding Time:2018-03-24 to 2017-11-25

Messe Ort:Frascatiplatz Hamburg-Bergedorf Frascatiplatz, 21029 Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Exhibition centres in Hamburg Sights & Attractions in Hamburg


Fair Organizer:Festivitas Veranstaltungsservice GmbH


The Bergedorfer Bautage is a popular public exhibition and offers visitors an extensive range of products around the fields of building, housing and life. Regional and nationwide exhibitors are present here to represent the latest products, materials and Dienstleistngen too. Visitors have the opportunity here is in discussions with specialists from the fields of civil construction, real estate, financing, building and construction, furnishings, equipment, leave, horticulture, leisure activities and communication technology comprehensively advise.

On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 2 days of the fair, from 25. March to 26. March 2017, about 8000 visitors on the Bergedorfer Bautage in Hamburg.

The Bergedorfer Bautage will take place on 2 days from Saturday, 24. March to Sunday, 25. March 2018 in Hamburg.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+49 (0)4161 714337

Fax:+49 (0)4161 714338

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Heute Expo



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