Batimat Russia Moscow


Holding Time:2018-04-03 to 2018-04-06

Messe Ort:IEC Crocus Expo 65-66 km Moscow Ring Road, 143402 Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation


Fair Organizer:Media Globe


International building and interior exhibition Batimat Russia will take place in the IEC - Crocus Expo -, Moscow. The exhibition will present the diversity of modern technologies and materials in the field of the architecture, construction, interior decoration and design objects. This exhibition is communication and information platform in the industry and offers the exhibiting companies the opportunity to present to an audience of experts here. Visitors can find information here a detailed and comprehensive information on the latest developments, trends, services and products from many different areas.

The Batimat Russia will take place on 4 days from Tuesday, 03. April to Friday, 06. April 2018 in Moscow.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+7 (4)95 9612262

Fax:+7 (4)95 6974100

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Heute Expo



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