WorldBuild Kiev


Holding Time:2018-05-15 to 2018-05-18

Messe Ort:IEC - International Exhibition Center 15 Brovarskoy Ave, 02660 Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine Exhibition centres in Kiev Sights & Attractions in Kiev


Fair Organizer:Premier Expo


The trade exhibition in Kiev WorldBuild shows the latest technologies of construction, special machinery and equipment and makes it possible to obtain information about these and compare their performance. This forum about construction, road construction, mining and specialty machinery, equipment and technologies is an interesting exhibition of the industry. As the show has evolved into one of the largest of its kind, BuildTech offers not only the possibility of seeing new models, but to get to know the specifications and driving performances of the machines from different manufacturers on a test ground.

The WorldBuild will take place on 4 days from Tuesday, 15. May to Friday, 18. May 2018 in Kiev.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+38 (0)44 4968645

Fax:+38 (0)44 4968646

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Heute Expo



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