Berufsinfomesse Offenburg


Holding Time:2018-04-20 to 2018-04-21

Messe Ort:Messe Offenburg Schutterwälder Str. 3, 77656 Offenburg, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany


Fair Organizer:Messe Offenburg-Ortenau GmbH


Berufsinfomesse in Offenburg is an ideal platform to learn first hand about all areas around the subject profession. Many exhibitors will be presenting in a direct conversation a variety of study programs, apprenticeships and training opportunities. In addition, the various possibilities of mediation in labor (even abroad) are presented, as well as a variety of other deals around the subject, such as a separate exhibition about the future of labour and a application documents check.

On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 2 days of the fair, from 17. April to 18. April 2015, about 359 exhibitors and 26000 visitors on the Berufsinfomesse in Offenburg.

The Berufsinfomesse will take place on 2 days from Friday, 20. April to Saturday, 21. April 2018 in Offenburg.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+49 (0)781 92260

Fax:+49 (0)781 922677

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Heute Expo



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