AAITF Shenzhen


Holding Time:2018-03-01 to 2018-03-03

Messe Ort:Convention & Exhibition Center 3. Fuhua Road, 518048 Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Fair Organizer:Jiuzhou Commercial and Exhibition Co. Ltd.


The AAITF - Automobile Aftermarket Industry and Tuning Trade Fair - is one of the largest automotive aftermarket trade shows in Asia. National and international OEM manufacturers present their latest parts, accessories, tools and equipment. The exhibition is divided into different areas and is supplemented by a new forum with thousands of new products and components. In addition, there are AAITF visitors with product demonstrations, special events, networking opportunities and much more.

This year the AAITF takes place on 3 days from Thur., 01.03.2018 to Sat., 03.03.2018 in Shenzhen already for the 16th time.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+86 (0)20 38219963

Fax:+86 (0)20 38219926


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Heute Expo



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