Oslo Motor Show Oslo


Holding Time:2017-10-27 to 2017-10-29

Messe Ort:Norges Varemesse Messegaten 14, 2001 Oslo, Oslo, Norway


Fair Organizer:Norges Varemesse


Oslo Motor Show is a wide ranging car and motorsport exhibition and an annual meeting place for motor enthusiasts of all ages. All types of groups, companies and vehicles will be represented, both conventional and maybe some unconventional plus companies from the tuning, accessories and design industries. An essential and integral part of the show is the display of collectors items, uniquely modified vehicles and new extravagant vehicles.

The Oslo Motor Show will take place on 3 days from Friday, 27. October to Sunday, 29. October 2017 in Oslo.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+ 47 (0)66 939100

Fax:+ 47 (0)66 939101


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Heute Expo



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