Klima & Energie Kiel


Holding Time:2018-03-18 to 2018-03-18

Messe Ort:Sparkassen-Arena Europaplatz 1, 24103 Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany


Fair Organizer:Birgit Zwicklinski Promotion- und Eventagentur


At the fair, Climate & Energy in Kiel on a total of 1,500 square meters, will present 85 exhibitors, associations and organizations their products and services in a technically appropriate and tailored to the target frame. The visitors will be at the fair to inform climate & energy holistically, ie not only innovative products and ideas to get to know, but also get a competent and individual advice regarding funding and conditions for their implementation. Investment projects - the thermal insulation on the modernization of the heating system to installation of solar and photovoltaic systems - are usually implemented with regional companies, to enable customers to build a relationship of trust.

The Klima & Energie will take place on Sunday, 18. March 2018 in Kiel.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+49 (0)4393 9709270

Fax:+49 (0)4393 97092729


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Heute Expo



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