Treffpunkt.Gesundheit Lucerne


Holding Time:2018-05-24 to 2018-05-26

Messe Ort:Rathaus Kornmarkt 3, CH-6004 Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland


Fair Organizer:pfaffCONSULTING GmbH


The health fair in Lucerne is a public information event around the topics exercises, nutrition, relaxation and creativity. More than 25 renowned suppliers of services and offerings in the field of health and prevention make the event possible. The fair is held in the town hall of Lucerne and on the “Kornmarkt”. Admission is free and free health tests are carried out. The traditional Chinese medicine experts analyze the state of health as a whole. The central Swiss nutrition consultants explain the proper nutrition. Rapid tests such as taking blood pressure measurements, cholesterol measurements, the composition of body mass, blood glucose monitoring or measuring of the risk of osteoporosis, oral and dental care products, as well as a specialized dental surgery of Lucerne are also represented. The theme of exercises and sports is mainly presented on the “Kornmarkt”. A variety of sports and simple sports equipment for young and old are exposed. A fitness centre demonstrates efficient exercises and professionals assist in choosing the right equipment for the favourite sport. The consulting partner in charge of quiet sleep ensures healthy sleep in one’s own four walls. For the complete wellness programme at home, suggestions such as an own wellness oasis or a sauna are offered. Learning, testing, trying and experiencing rather than being taught, that is the motto of the event. The demonstrations and tests, carried out by professionals, inspire the visitors annually in the matter of active participation.

The Treffpunkt.Gesundheit presents itself for the tenth anniversary edition on 3 days from Thur., 24.05.2018 to Sat., 26.05.2018 in Lucerne.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+41 (0)41 3720865

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