Industrial Automation India Mumbai


Holding Time:2018-01-18 to 2018-01-20

Messe Ort:Bandra Kurla Complex Maharashtra, 400051 Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Fair Organizer:Hannover Milano Fairs India Pvt Ltd.


Exhibitors nationally and internationally introduce their novelties and developments at the Industrial Automation India. More and more international groups settle in India and those businesses provide a lot of investments in the field of industrial automation. At the fair, new trends starting with electrical generators up to industrial robots are shown. The ever rising demand for industrial automation in India guarantees that the fair remains a people magnet.

The Industrial Automation India will take place on 3 days from Thursday, 18. January to Saturday, 20. January 2018 in Mumbai.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+91 (0)22 42369710

Fax:+91 (0)22 42019191

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Heute Expo



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