Autum Trade fair Cottbus


Holding Time:2017-10-21 to 2017-10-22

Messe Ort:Messe Cottbus Vorparktstr. 3, 03042 Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany


Fair Organizer:CMT Cottbus Congress, Messe & Touristik GmbH


The Autum Trade fair in Cottbus is a consumer show, offering with her program something for the whole family. In addition to the established special exhibition Vital&Co. and the Cottbuser Culinarium the exhibition areas of the BranchenMacher invite visitors to consult and to be informed and do business. In the context of the popular selling exhibition, they explore the region with its people, businesses and associations.

The Autum Trade fair will take place on 2 days from Saturday, 21. October to Sunday, 22. October 2017 in Cottbus.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+49 (0)355 7542200

Fax:+49 (0)355 7542111

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Heute Expo



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