ILA Berlin Air Show Schönefeld


Holding Time:2018-04-25 to 2018-04-29

Messe Ort:Berlin ExpoCenter Airport Messestr. 1/Selchow, 12529 Schönefeld, Brandenburg, Germany


Fair Organizer:Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e.V.


ILA Berlin Air Show is not only the oldest fair in the industry but is also considered the leading international aerospace trade show. Many exhibitors, among others, from the areas of commercial aviation, aerospace, defense and security, equipment, engines and materials present their new products and innovations. The fair is an industry meeting place and also a crowd puller. For example, the "International Suppliers Center ISC" offers to the international suppliers in the industry an excellent platform to present themselves in front of an international trade audience. In addition, visitors can expect an excellent conference program. The "ILA CareerCenter" is the ideal platform for human resources and recruiting. Here employers and future employees can meet in a relaxed environment.

The ILA Berlin Air Show will take place on 5 days from Wednesday, 25. April to Sunday, 29. April 2018 in Schönefeld.

Kontakt Informationen

Tel:+49 (0)30 2061400

Fax:+49 (0)30 20614090

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Heute Expo



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