Our advanced Heidelberg, Komori presses, color management system and CTP prepress system result in a consistently accurate and sharp print quality.
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Youth Printing Co., Ltd provides world-class color printing at competitive pricing.
Founded in 2002 in Shenzhen, China, Teamwork Printing has grown into two plants totaling 10,000 square meters of work space.
We have developed a highly motivated and professional team dedicated to assisting our clients with all aspects of their printing projects.Our advanced Heidelberg, Komori presses, color management system and CTP prepress system result in a consistently accurate and sharp p...[detailed]
Founded in 2002 in Shenzhen, China, Teamwork Printing has grown into two plants totaling 10,000 square meters of work space.
We have developed a highly motivated and professional team dedicated to assisting our clients with all aspects of their printing projects.Our advanced Heidelberg, Komori presses, color management system and CTP prepress system result in a consistently accurate and sharp p...[detailed]
- Firmenanschrift: Shenzhen Economic Development Zone
- Gesprächspartner: Jing
- Tel .: 86-579-85456002
- Email: xiaoceziyinshua@adnose.com
- Webseite: https://de.adnose.com/shopxiaoceziyinshua/
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- Jing (Mr.)
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